Barbara Hoggatt |
Family Man |
February 20, 2012 |
My condolences to Ruth, Julie and Laura. Though he was my dear friend and colleague, I will always think of Tom first as a family man. He treasured being a husband and a Dad and he loved and was so proud of you.
Although I only had the pleasure of meeting you on one occasion, your legacy will continue to be carried on through the three beautiful women you left behind. I am constantly amused by the stories the Julie shares with me day in and day out. I know we would have had many laughs together. I'll do my best to take care of her and be the truest of friends. I know you will continue to guide her through life by your sheer presence. We will always cherrish your memory. May you rest in peace. xoxo, Mary Kate
Lee Crawford |
Sending thoughts and prayers |
February 20, 2012 |
I send my deepest condolences to Tom's family. He was such an incredible person who shared his light and unconditional love with all he touched. I will never forget his passion for his work in helping others find the joy that he held so effortlessly. It was an honor to have known him.
Maxx Diamond |
Very courageous, my friend |
February 20, 2012 |
Sorry we didn't get to visit in these past years. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Love, Maxx & Norma Jean Diamond.
I never had the good fortune of meeting you Ruth or the girls' in person but remember how fondly Tom spoke of his sweet family at each reuniion. I started first grade with Tom and he & Hunter Nelson became long, trusted "guy" friends through our years at St. Ann's and Kelly High. We took lazy "tandem" bike rides on Saturdays, played hide & seek like toddlers in eighth grade and supported one another in good & bad times (so VERY dramatic in eighth grade, right?!) Tom was a quiet, soother kind of guy and I was always proud to call him my friend. We didn't see each other or speak much since school but his memory is forever etched in my 59 year old heart. I know Tom's faith was abounding and I truly know he is at peace now in a safe, soothing heaven looking around hoping for the same peace for you & the girls he so relunctly had to leave behind on this journey. Look for the little day-to-day miracles Ruth, you will find Tom still with you each and every day! My love to you all, from Texas. Sally Waddell-Hawkins
Sylvia Bruno Fuller |
Thoughts and Prayers to all of you |
February 20, 2012 |
So sorry to here about Tommy. He was a great guy!
Robert Burnett |
Our Christian Comfort |
February 20, 2012 |
I send my sincere condolences to Tom's family and friends. While I wasn't personally acquainted with Tom, his brother, Jimmy is my long time good friend and I am very sorry for your untimely loss of Tom. Our Christian Comfort comes in our knowledge that Tom is rejoicing in Heaven free of any illness, pain or suffering in his Glorified body with Jesus, the Christ, our Brother and with God our Father and his family! God bless you all!
Kathy Goetz Ridley |
My Thoughts are with your Family |
February 19, 2012 |
The Goetz family sends our condolences to the Tom's family. No words can express the loss of a sibling, father and husband. Just know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
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